Thursday, March 20, 2008

Masalah kopi mengkopi

Masalah kopi mengkopi
© Di

Kopi itu minuman
Kopi itu mesin

Masalah kopi dengan mesin
Kopi Pak Xerox, kualitas bagus
Kopi Pak Minolta, kualitas lumayan
Kopi Pak JNC, kualitas mboh-mbohan

Apa yang dikopi?
Kapan bisa mengkopi? Atau mengopi?

Mengap mengop wae, mas.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Science for ya!

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Jalan Lain ke Roma

"Jalan Lain ke Roma"
By Idrus

Ingat Idrus?
Ingat James Baldwin?
Ingat Sonny’s Blues?

Dua karakter, Open dan Sonny
Beda kulit, beda warna
Open sang guru, Sonny sang musisi

Dua cerita, “Jalan Lain ke Roma” dan “Sonny’s Blues”
Beda buku, beda halaman
"Roma’s Blues"

That’s the title of this song.

P.S: Wahai mahasiswa2 Sastra Inggris, skripsi di perpustakaan banyak tuh =)

Friday, March 07, 2008

Jalan Jalan ke Roma

Suatu hari, saya jalan-jalan ke Roma.
Lewat Vatikan, terus berhenti di gereja besar.
Buesar, bok, gerejanya. Ada “fresco”, ada patung santo-santo, dll.
Dekat gereja ada pancuran air, kalau haus, aku ga bisa minum dari situ
(well, tergantung sih – seberapa desperado akunya).

Di dalam gereja, ada makam paus-paus.
(yang sudah pernah baca “ Da Vinci Code”, jangan protes!! Dilarang keras!!!)
Suasana di gereja tenang, orang rajin berdoa, atau ikut misa.
Doa yang paling populer: “Salam Maria”.

Salam Maria, penuh rahmat, Tuhan sertamu
Terpujilah engkau di antara wanita, dan terpujilah buah tubuhmu, Yesus
Santa Maria, Bunda Allah, doakanlah kami yang berdosa ini
Sekarang dan waktu kami mati.


Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Jalan Pintas ke Roma

"Jalan Pintas ke Roma"

Naik jet.
Tidak usah hitung budget

Mau sejuta kek, seribu kek, tekek kek
Mau 35+47= 35+40+7 kek

Jalan jalan!

Reminiscing Laura Ingalls Wilder

Laura Ingalls Wilder. An American. Little House series.

My favorite novels when I was a kid. Who is this Laura Ingalls Wilder (February 7, 1867 – February 10, 1957)? Here I quote an excerpt from

Laura's daughter, Rose, became a famous writer in the early 1900s. Rose recalled the stories her mother had told her during her growing-up years, and thought that other children would be as interested in those pioneer stories as she was. She encouraged her mother to write down the stories, and Laura did. The first manuscript of what would eventually become the "Little House" books was called Pioneer Girl, and told of Laura's entire childhood, until she married Almanzo Wilder. This manuscript was rejected by editors, and has never been published.

I had to admit, though, that the part when Laura first met Almanzo encaptured my heart the most. I read and re-read These Happy Golden Years .

Another interesting side of Laura's life is that she was a teacher, who in between teaching at rural schools attended school herself in De Smet.

Note to self: will read the novels again. Haha.